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Dabney Family

The Circuit follows along one of the most important historic periods of Faial Island in the 19th century. The Dabney Family lived on this island for three generations during 86 years and was responsible for a unique period of prosperity and political influence. 

This Circuit brings those memories to the present, passing through the family residences and the places used for business or simply for leisure.

The circuit begins at the Dabney’s House, in Angústias parish, in Horta city, and ends at the Areias Fountain, in Capelo parish, visiting several properties, inheritance of this family.

Between Horta and Capelo are about 15 km, so we advise you to go by car.

The route from point 1 to point 10 has an average duration of 2 hours.

You can always choose to start the circuit at any other point.


Download the Circuit to print or throughout our mobile APP.

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